Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 1173)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#410 fixed Move full OpenStreetMap, Leaflet & Mapquest-copyright text from the map widget joar

Currently the copyright text takes up exactly 25% of the maps viewport.

We should probably do it the foursquare way ( and put a single link in there that will show you the full license notice.

So either we

  • Show the content dynamically with JavaScript
  • Set up a new page with the license info (general license info page?), which we link to from the map widget. <- Yay for this one!
#412 fixed Add instructions to install libjpeg-dev or equivalent to docs Christopher Allan Webber

People are constantly running into this irritation because a custom PIL gets built in their virtualenv:

IOError: decoder jpeg not available

Should be easy to do. Add both to the sphinx docs in the mediagoblin/ checkout and to the wiki Hacking Howto

#416 fixed Invalid input causes unhelpful error messages Jef van Schendel

Two related bugs:


  • Go to the Recover Password page.
  • Enter an invalid username/email (e.g. one that contains spaces).
  • Press submit button.

The form returns the "Incorrect input" error.


  • Go to the Create An Account page.
  • Enter an invalid username (e.g. one that contains spaces).
  • Press submit button.

The form returns the "Invalid input." error.

/me leaves mid-ticket, I'll improve this description later.

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