Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1020 fixed themes (sandyseventiesspeedboat) broken with footer change, and update list Christopher Allan Webber

The recent change to allow for footer adjustment in #952 doesn't work automatically on all themes (see fix in commit aa68730 to see this fixed in airy). Themes now require specifying how high their footer is and adjusting the "wrap" div to offset that height.

sandyseventiesspeedboat doesn't have this change yet.

Additionally if an update could be sent to the list informing theme authors, that would be great.

#168 FIXED texinfo version of the manual Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
The manual is in docs/. To jive with GNU project standards, we need
to build a texinfo version of the docs for release tarballs (and we
should do html and pdf versions, too).

The thing this requires us to do is get a texinfo output thing for
the docs set up and making sure the infrastructure is there to do
it going forward.

#170 FIXED tests aren't all passing for me in gmg/master Caleb Davis
Anyone else getting this?

` <>`_

I did an


    rm -rf mediagoblin

followed by a fresh gmg install + buildout and still get the same
result. No amount of migration/wiping/purging/meditation would make
it go away for me.

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