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Results (61 - 63 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#89 fixed Ability to restrict diskspace per user Bernhard Keller
for example restrict disk space to 500Mb per user

add user.used\_space =

check prior to upload if space is exceeded
on successful upload add image size to used\_space( check size
after possible resize/conversion )

Do we use the same restriction for every user, or should it be
possible to set a limit for every account ?
possible delete option ? ( what happens to comments )

#614 fixed Ability to swap app configuration for different unit tests Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber

We need the ability to load different app configurations for different types of tests.

This sounds easier than it is; technically we should be able to just have the function in that loads the mediagoblin app (get_app) just use a different configuration that we specify. However, it isn't that easy for SQLAlchemy reasons. We currently use the "cascading delete" feature in SQLAlchemy... however, if we load one "application" that has the video media type enabled, then that imports and sees the VideoData table. If we create another mediagoblin app instance without the video media type enabled, sqlalchemy will try to delete related entries during a cascading delete from the videodata table but won't be able to and will thus throw an exception.

There's one of two solutions to this:

  • Figure out how to fiddle with sqlalchemy's metadata information to add/remove the link manually.
  • Don't use sqlalchemy's built in cascading delete and roll our own instead. We could have models register themselves on a method's delete registry so that when deleted in our "manual cascading" pattern it'll be smart about it.

I'd like this fixed soon so we can start writing proper tests for plugins.

#88 FIXED Ability to turn off registration Rasmus Larsson Christopher Allan Webber
This is something easy, and probably something many people want.

` <>`_

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