Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#390 fixed "Separate tags by commas" should be unnecessary spaetz Jef van Schendel

I think JanCBorchardt talked about this before. This text really shouldn't be necessary.

We should choose one method and stick with it. The user should be able to enter tags as desired, after which they will automatically be seperated.

#393 fixed UTF-8 characters in ASCII art do not get into thumbnails joar Aleksej

UTF-8 art:


Before the detection fix, thumbnails were generated in the ISO-8859-x encoding even if the encoding was detected correctly.

#394 fixed Fuzzy timestamps Jessica Tallon Jef van Schendel

Current: "Added on 2011-02-14."

Better would be: "Added 1 month ago."

This also goes for comment timestamps, which are currently shown as "08:35PM 2012-02-09" which is all kinds of horrible.

I have no idea how to do this though. It might already be possible with the software we're using, who knows. It also wouldn't be hard to find a jQuery plugin such as, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to go.

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