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Results (52 - 54 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#337 fixed HTML (limited) support, in addition to Markdown maiki interi
I see from `#362 </issues/362>`_, `#363 </issues/363>`_ and
`#410 </issues/410>`_ that a lot of effort was put into Markdown
support. And `#379 </issues/379>`_ demonstrates that the fields
have to be scrubbed anyhow. So, I am wondering if it is possible
allow/configure HTML in all the applicable fields.

Without getting into it, I use HTML, Textile and Markdown (and
various wiki syntaxes) habitually, but hardly anyone else I know
does. All my cool friends know how to create an anchor element in
HTML, though.

Of course white-listing elements is probably useful. I imagine that
this could be configured with overrides, but it is fairly simple to
find a reasonable default set of elements to allow.


#342 fixed On submit page, show the site's filesize limit Greg Grossmeier
It is convenient for the user to know how big of a file they can
upload before they try.

#349 fixed Feed for all items Christopher Allan Webber maiki interi
Unless I am mistaken, there isn't a feed containing all the items
uploaded to a site. I think that would be useful. =]

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