Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#865 fixed creation date in exif data breaks image display Sebastian Hugentobler

When an image with a creation date in its exif data is requested it fails with the following error:

AttributeError: type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime'

This is the result of removing import datetime in with commit 58a9475

In the parent commit from datetime import datetime was added, so the attached fix is trivial.

#5312 duplicate Install Scripts Shebang on Freebsd Sebastian Hugentobler

The following files, used in the installation process, fail on FreeBSD (10.1):

  • devtools/
  • devtools/

Reason for this is the shebang line in all three:


I replaced it with

#!/usr/bin/env sh

which works fine for me. Is there a specific reason for using bash here? If yes, could it be changed to use the env command? I can't symlink FreeBSDs default bash path (/usr/local/bin/bash) to /bin/bash from inside my jails as /bin is mounted readonly.

#943 cant-reproduce hang at "Starting server in PID #####" chris

I have rebuilt and recompiled multiple times, getting the same result.

At the current installation, I compiled using the mediagoblin_easy_install script found [here]( to save time.

Using Debian 7.5 with Nginx on Linode.

Let me know what logs/files you'd like to see.

Thanks, Chris

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