Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#526 fixed Provide a list of collections for site visitors Elrond thelovebug

Currently there is no way of knowing what collections are available for site visitors to view.

Suggestion that on the user profile there is a sample of recently updated collections, with a link to the full list of collections. This is similar to the existing recently updated media, and a link to all media

#527 no-action Add support for Free URL shorteners, like Muppy thelovebug

I have my own instance of Muppy running on my domain at - it would be really useful if media uploaded to MediaGoblin could be automatically assigned a shortened URL for me to share rather than the behemoth of a URL that could (potentially) be generated by MediaGoblin.

Usage for Muppy can be found at:

Of course, other freeURL shorteners are available!

#542 cant-reproduce Celeryd yields an error and then stops processing uploads thelovebug

So I've uploaded a file to my instance, but it's totally ignoring it.. it's not even present in the processing panel. But if I kill celeryd, remove the pid, and restart celeryd, it'll pick it up.

I'm uploading files two or three times a week, and I have to do the kill-remove-restart thing each time.

Errors in mediagoblin-celeryd.log here:

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