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Results (58 - 60 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#601 fixed Increase the max tag length limit NattilyPidgin warp

When importing data from flickr some months ago I hit the length limit for tags in MediaGoblin, I assume this limit is still in place.

The limit should be (at least) 255 characters, as this is the limit flickr uses. It doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but submitting a 4096 length to flickr resulted in that tag being truncated to 255 characters.

#622 fixed MediaGoblin outdated on PyPi Christopher Allan Webber warp
Description is very outdated.

If the release process is documented that should probably include pushing to PyPi.

#903 no-action Pin dependency versions warp

As this discussed in the meeting today (2014-06-07), dependency versions should be pinned.

For all dependencies which adhere to only the MAJOR and MINOR version should be pinned, never the PATCH version. If a particular release of mediagoblin is known to work with a wider range of versions, pinning to a wide range is better.

Versions should be pinned in requirements.txt, which is convenient for users deploying using pip and virtualenv. Leave the versions in unpinned (except for minimum versions where necessary).

Verify requirements.txt for each release, and update it if necessary.

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