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Results (145 - 147 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#148 FIXED Improve pagination styling Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
Pagination could still use some love.

I've got a tiny style changes in mind and will use this ticket to
track progress.

#166 FIXED Custom grid generator Karen Rustad Jef van Schendel
We'll need to build a custom grid generator to get some decent
thumbnail grids.

Here's what we have in mind now:

-  It should be able to create grids of different sizes, so we can
   choose different amounts of columns and rows.
-  Each thumbnail will be in a div element.
-  Every row of thumbnails will also be in a div. This will allow
   the rows to resize according to their contents (say a row only
   contains very wide images, in that case the height will be lower to
   avoid awkward spacing).
-  Each of these elements will have a class. For correct margins,
   the first and last thumbnail element in every row will have a
   second class that removes the margin at the left or right side,
-  The same should probably be true for the first and last row, to
   avoid extra space at the bottom or top of the grid.

(As I understand it, correct me if I'm wrong.)

So, basically like cwebber said:


    <div class="thumb_gallery">
       <div class="thumb_row">
         <div class="thumb_entry">
           <div class="thumb_image">
             <img src="blabla" />
           <div class="thumb_label">Bla bla</div>

And then for instance a thumbnail element will looks like:


    <div class="thumb_entry">

While a thumbnail element on the far right would have an extra


    <div class="thumb_entry thumb_last">

Probably not important, but for reference: we're using thumbnails
that are 180px wide, with 10px of space in between.

#171 FIXED Fat buttons/links are ugly Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
Bad schendje!

I'm talking about the "Submit media" button in the top left and the
"Verify your email" one in the top right, as visible in the
`latest release post <>`_.
Currently these have really fat, grey borders and I'd like to make
these look a little better.

I'm thinking "Verify your email" should have a style of its own,
because it's not so much a button as it is a warning/notification.
Either way it should stand out.

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