Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#246 FIXED GNU project wording on website doesn't match Caleb Davis
Description says - "We're a GNU project in the making,

#251 FIXED trans-tagging Caleb Davis
Hm, crazy idea...

So...I wonder if any one else would want to be able to tag *other*
people's media with their own separate set of tags. Delicious does
this by accident because every page can be bookmarked by anyone,
and you can view everyone's bookmarks for a given link, but I don't
know of other services that do this on purpose.

Some things that we tag are pretty cut and dry, so there probably
won't be much variation of tags from one person to another. Links
are a good example. A news story about a startup donut shop down
the street fits rather specifically into one's perception.

But art is different. Art is *supposed* to hit people different
ways. I imagine that stuff people put on their gmg instance will be
art, and that visitors will experience a user's media in different
ways. Let's allow for that

#265 FIXED No 'you really want to post a blank comment? yes/no' before posting an empty comment Aaron Williamson Caleb Davis
not a big deal, but one of those things to account for eventually.

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