Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#559 duplicate Collections can only be found from a file's page, no list to be found maxine

The collections that a user may have are nowhere to be found but on the page of a specific file. It would be very handy to list a user's collections on the userpage or somesuch. shows the page for the collection (and is only linked from a file's page), but or /collections returns 404


#560 no-action Uploading videos - lack of progress cue or confirmation while transcoding maxine

When uploading a video, after the upload (which only shows progress from a browser tip), the video is then transcoded. The page remains the same with a loading animation from the browser. The user doesn't actually have to stay on the page for the transcoding to continue.

Ideally there would be a progress cue like a bar, or a confirmation page or update that the video is indeed transcoding.

User side was: Chromium Version 20.0.X; Debian testing

#561 fixed Audio and video should use workbench instead of tempfiles Christopher Allan Webber

The audio and video media types both write to temporary files instead of using the workbench... the workbench was designed for this though as a place to put files during processing that get removed when things are done.

The NamedTemporaryFile bits should be changed over to use the workbench unless there's good reason not to, and the end of these files' processing routines should call:

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.