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Results (100 - 102 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#532 fixed Show creation date (extract from EXIF) tryggvib

Short description

Add an option to make the creation date (as defined in the EXIF information) of a media object visible, e.g. to show when a photo was taken, not when it was added to the mediagoblin instance.

This should be optional since not everyone might want this information to be visible.

User stories

Sysadmin makes creation date visible for media objects

Shaquannah the sysadmin updates the configuration file for her mediagoblin instance and sets original_date_visible to true to show when pictures (or other media objects with the corresponding EXIF information) were taken/created.

Visitor sees the creation date for a given media object

Spencer the guest browses to a media object's page and sees the date for when a picture (or other media object given EXIF information) was taken/created. Spencer sees this information in the sidebar, below the date indicating when the media object was added to the mediagoblin instance he's visiting.

#535 fixed Some files cause a mystery error - MakerNote Tag 0x0001 Mark Holmquist

This file was troublesome, for some reason. It is pretty big, but I'm not sure that's the problem.

#536 fixed GNU Coding Standards-compliant configure script & Makefile Brandon Invergo

According to the GNU Coding Standards, all GNU projects should have a configure script and a Makefile. I've gone ahead and made such a script based on some new Autoconf macros. The included is largely a wrapper around It also includes some extra touches, like installing to a Virtualenv and building the docs. This should all be standards compliant now. As the project grows, I'll be happy to help a bit with modifying the scripts.

Note: these files are part of the (as-of-yet un-announced) new GNU package pyconfigure. Over there I'll be working steadily to make these more powerful than just wrapper scripts. I'll keep you abreast of any interesting developments.

The changes are available here:

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