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Results (115 - 117 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#228 FIXED Text changes to Delete confirmation page Shawn Khan Jef van Schendel
Attached is a screenshot of the current Delete confirmation page.
This is the page you see after clicking "Delete" on a media page.

The whole thing is kind of a stop gap solution, but for now I'd
like to suggest these changes:

-  "Save changes" on the input button should be changed because
   you're not saving changes. Something like "Delete permanently",
   which describes the action and mentions its severity.
-  Remove the "If you choose yes, the media entry will be deleted
   permanently." and "Confirm" text.
-  Replace the two radio buttons by a single checkbox that says "I
   am sure I want to delete this"
-  Add a thumbnail like we do on the Edit page. This changes the
   process to:
-  User clicks Delete
-  User arrives at Delete confirmation page
-  User is asked if he is sure and has to check the box to say
   "Yes, I am sure"
-  User finishes the process by clicking "Delete permanently"

#394 fixed Fuzzy timestamps Jessica Tallon Jef van Schendel

Current: "Added on 2011-02-14."

Better would be: "Added 1 month ago."

This also goes for comment timestamps, which are currently shown as "08:35PM 2012-02-09" which is all kinds of horrible.

I have no idea how to do this though. It might already be possible with the software we're using, who knows. It also wouldn't be hard to find a jQuery plugin such as, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to go.

#599 fixed Allow login by username OR email Jessica Tallon spaetz

There is no reason we cannot offer the login form offering to either enter ones user name OR email address (which can be helpful if I don't remember the username I've been using).

This is very low-priority, of course.

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