Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#149 FIXED media submission success template, view, and routing deprecated Rasmus Larsson Caleb Davis
Successful completion of `#409 </issues/409>`_ (media submission
success messaging) leaves some debris to clean up

these aren't actually used anywhere

-  submit\_success view
-  mediagoblin/submit/success.html template
-  mediagoblin.submit.success route

#53 FIXED Show media in reverse submitted order in galleries Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian Spaeth
Main page and user page show media galleries. They should be
showing them in reverse order they had been submitted and not
according to ascending document id as they are now.

For that we simply need to append:


    .sort({'created': -1})

to the find() query.

While we are it, we should add



too (using variables with those defaults), so we can easily do
pagination later.

#61 FIXED Use local fonts instead of linking to remote ones Shawn Khan Jef van Schendel
Right now we're using Google's Web Fonts embed code:

` <>`_

This retrieves the font files from Google's servers. In the future
we should store the files locally.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.