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Results (40 - 42 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#204 FIXED Kick off user experience testing Deb Nicholson Christopher Allan Webber
We need to kick off user experience testing!

I created a page on the wiki:
`\_Experience <>`_

-  Create guidelines on the recommended process of user experience
-  Write an email to the list asking other people to help out
-  Start planning out user experience testing events?

Deb, I'm assigning this to you, though other people can (and please
should) jump in and start helping out with this!

#218 fixed Announce only mailing list Deb Nicholson Deb Nicholson
I'd like people to be able to get news from us without comments.
The target is press and other busy, but interested, people who
would get notes when we blog and **occasional** press type email
from me.

If there's an off the rack way to have the blogs contents converted
via html2text or using a rss2email script, that's cool but
otherwise I will write a 1-2 sentence abstract and include the blog

I'd be the only poster on this list. People who sign up for it
can't reply to the list. In the nitty gritty of permissions, it
probably makes sense for Will and Chris to be able to post, but in
practice, I don't picture you ever needing to post to that list.


#273 FIXED Make the base of page titles customizable. Erkan Yilmaz Aleksej
Currently all pages have the "GNU MediaGoblin" title and the GMG
icon, so all tabs look the same.

It should be possible to specify a different base for the page
titles, so it can be changed to something like "Joar's GNU
MediaGoblin" or "OMGMG, a GNU MediaGoblin test instance".

Please note that this is about the base part for all titles, not
about different titles for individual pages on the same project.

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