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Results (55 - 57 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5554 no-action documentation suggests su -s /bin/bash, but the default shell is selected without the -s option Andrew

If the documentation is merely enforcing the selection of /bin/bash, then perhaps that is redundant, or it should be set in /etc/passwd. if the intention is to give the mediagoblin user no shell access by default, then the thing to do might be to set the shell to /bin/false.

however, the problem with that is that the user is brought back to their root shell, and they may continue with commands that should not be run as root.

#5553 cant-reproduce documentation shows how to use python3, but it's not supported. Andrew

(Note that if you’d prefer to run MediaGoblin with Python 3, pass in –with-python3 to the ./configure command.)

However, there doesn't appear to be a version of pybabel for python3.

#5552 no-action documentation is missing "make" and "virtualenv" packages Andrew

it looks like these packages need to be installed to install gmg.

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