Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#591 Default theme handles thumbnails for small pictures poorly accepted small defect minor
#593 Thumbnails of portrait images have inconsistent padding accepted small defect minor
#823 Ugly previews of scaled indexed images accepted small defect minor
#862 Not require the "mediagoblin" user during install (or, other permissions solutions) new small defect major
#976 Bring back the ascii goblin new small defect minor
#5061 Reporting media does not produce email or notification new small defect minor
#5346 Unclear copyright of extlib/thingiview.js new small defect major
#5454 Add more translatable strings in blog plugin new blog,string,international,small defect minor
#5474 Switch assert statements into proper exceptions new small defect major
#234 Add RDFa to HTML output accepted small enhancement minor
#653 Add capability for embed codes to show media on other websites accepted embed, small enhancement minor
#1042 Embed Open Graph data into relevant pages new small enhancement trivial
#5034 Inconsistent variable syntax in new consistency,analretentive, small enhancement trivial
#5055 Friendlier failure if Gstreamer 1.0 not installed new small enhancement major
#5405 Content Security Policy new small enhancement minor
#1045 Merge sandyseventiesspeedboat into core review small task minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.