Opened 14 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#49 closed task (wontfix)

document advanced celery/kombu configuration

Reported by: Elrond Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: documentation Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:

Description (last modified by Elrond)

celery and its use of kombu have some configuration. For example
kombu can use redis instead of mongodb. It would be good, if we had
some documentation on how to setup celery in some different ways.
Using redis as a backend db (will likely be better, except it needs
yet another daemon running) could be a nice example case in the

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Elrond, 14 years ago

Priority: NormalLow
As this celery-eager thing already solves 50% of the need behind my
request in this issue, I lower the priority here.

comment:2 by Will Kahn-Greene, 14 years ago

I don't know what this is about.

Elrond: Can you write this documentation you think we need?

comment:3 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

I know what Elrond is talking about. For the most part, we can use
advanced Celery options from:

` <>`_

However there's no instructions of where to put that right now, or
at least not advanced instructions.

My suspicion is it should be added to
`\_MediaGoblin <>`_
or a Celery-specific page.

comment:4 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

Component: Documentation
Updating to say that we can use advanced celery options, but
there's a mediagoblin-specific way to set that up. I should explain
how to do that for those people who care.

One example of when someone would want this is if they're setting
up a multi-machine processing setup for transcoding a lot of
incoming videos or something. How to do that?

Sounds very administrator-y, maybe belongs in the sphinx docs? I
suspect this matters a lot more to administrators than
contributors, who will probably just use the defaults.

comment:5 by Christopher Allan Webber, 13 years ago

Milestone: 0.2.1
This is actually already pretty well on its way, we just need to
extend the production deployments doc to explain how to configure

comment:6 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .
#50: related

comment:7 by Elrond, 13 years ago

Milestone: 0.2.1
Priority: trivialminor

comment:8 by Elrond, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)


I don't need this anymore, really. And it seems for a long time nobody has asked about this. The main question is: What do we want to do about this?

Maybe explain the celery options in mediagoblin.ini and be done?

I really don't know.

comment:9 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: acceptedclosed

I think it's fine to close this, so doing so.

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