Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#133 FIXED Prev / next buttons should be reversed? Caleb Davis Christopher Allan Webber
Images go left to right in the gallery where newer images are on
the left and older are on the right. However, our forward /
backward buttons go the opposite direction.

I wonder if we should reverse the direction of the buttons, or is
that **even more** confusing? :)

(What do other galleries do?)

#134 FIXED use messaging system for email_verified Caleb Davis Caleb Davis
When a user attempts to verify an email address, currently we
redirect them to a helpful page telling them the result. But,
that's the only thing on the page. Let's use the messaging system
and redirect to a more standard page.

#135 FIXED use messaging system for 'register successful!' Caleb Davis Caleb Davis
same as `#424 </issues/424>`_

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