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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5611 fixed Upgrade issue from 0.9 to 0.10 TmCTux

during upgrade on a debian stretch up to date (I've redone all the step on a fresh buster and ended at the same place), there were an issue during configure on the following step: ./bin/python develop --upgrade

when trying to install MarkupSafe, minimum version required by egg file was minimum 0.23, thus 2.0.0a was installed, which failed. as a workarond, egg file has been modified to force version 1.1.1 which is stable to be installed. Configure was fine from there.

Then, upgrade failed because a previously installed plugin (mediagoblin_private) was not found anymore. After reinstallation, all was ok. I believe documentation should precise to either deactivate plugin during upgrade, or reinstall them before proceed at a suitable step.

#5610 fixed Re-Enable Audio Spectrogram for Python 3 Fernando Gutierrez

I propose a fix for the audio spectrogram code that works with Python 3.

I wrote a replacement that does not rely on the old unsupported third party code.

This new implementation only depends on numpy and soundfile/PySoundFile (PySoundFile was renamed to just soundfile in version 0.10, my implementation handles both)

Attached to this ticket is the patch

#5609 fixed Celery connection to RabbitMQ errors at start or after running for a few minutes Fernando Gutierrez

When Celery is starting or after it has run for a few minutes I get many "connection reset" errors in the log.

After this errors Celery does not recover and appears to be running but does not process any tasks.

There are two root causes for this problem:

1) The systemd service file provided as example in the deployment guide does not specify that celery must be started after RabbitMQ. The OS is free to start them in any order and when celery starts before RabbitMQ it will not be able to connect

2) In mediagoblin/init/celery/ the BROKER_HEARTBEAT is set to 1 second. In slower machines or under heavy load this setting causes missed hearbeats and a eventual connection reset. I think this code had the intention to cause a more granular task scheduling but from what I understand from celery docs it has nothing to do with task scheduling. The CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE is just a periodic task and has nothing to do with BROKER_HEARTBEAT.

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