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Results (43 - 45 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5575 fixed Upgrade setuptools and pip in Makefile anongoblin

[This is Michael Lynch ( Boris suggested I post here under the anon account as new registrations on the issue tracker seem to be down]

When I try to install MediaGoblin on a clean machine (or in a fresh Docker container), I get an error on the "make" step because setuptools is too old in virtualenv:

Upgrading pip and setuptools within the virtualenv solves this issue:

I created a patch to fix this issue in the "upgrade-packages" branch of my Github fork:

#5574 duplicate Improve docker builds for deployment and/or development anongoblin

[This is Michael Lynch ( Boris suggested I post here under the anon account as new registrations on the issue tracker seem to be down and the mailing list is not accepting new messages]

I'm interested in contributing to MediaGoblin.

Its test suite is very impressive, so I tried to run the tests and ran into some issues with finding the correct dependencies. One good way to solve this would be to have a continuous integration (CI) service that establishes a "known-good" configuration for running tests.

There was discussion a few years ago about setting up CI, but it doesn't look like it ever went through:

I spent a few hours setting up MediaGoblin on Travis and got it to successfully execute the tests, but it skips 12 out of 183:

If I force the tests to run, the skipped tests fail:

A few questions:

  • Are all tests currently in a good state? (i.e. should I expect to see all 183 tests pass?)
  • If so, what dependencies am I missing? I tried installing every apt package in the HackingHowTo but the tests still fail.
  • Is there interest in setting up official CI for MediaGoblin? There are many free options available, but it would require the project to move (or at least officially mirror) to more modern git hosting (Github, BitBucket, Gitlab, etc).

Here are all my changes:

The most relevant files are my Dockerfile to set up the test environment:

and my Travis configuration:

#5573 fixed certificate expired anongoblin

The Let's Encrypt certificate for (serial number 03:AC:30:3D:52:4A:E3:E8:EB:40:B9:B0:4D:70:BF:FD:9C:07 ) expired on October 20, 2018, 3:45:07 PM GMT-4. This means people have to tell their browsers to allow an exception to connect to (for SSL/TLS support). Please renew.

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