Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#149 FIXED media submission success template, view, and routing deprecated Rasmus Larsson Caleb Davis
Successful completion of `#409 </issues/409>`_ (media submission
success messaging) leaves some debris to clean up

these aren't actually used anywhere

-  submit\_success view
-  mediagoblin/submit/success.html template
-  mediagoblin.submit.success route

#1085 wontfix markdown in description Marcus

When uploading a file, it states that markdown can be used for formatting. I have tried severel differen formattings but none seems to be applied.

#5033 fixed make ignores VIRTUALENV setting ayleph

On my system (Arch Linux), virtualenv2 is the proper executable for creating a python2 virtualenv. This is correctly determined by ./configure as shown in the following output.

~/mediagoblin-0.8.0 $ ./configure 
checking for python2.7... python2.7
checking for virtualenv... no
checking for virtualenv3... no
checking for virtualenv2... virtualenv2

And this is properly set in Makefile as follows.

VIRTUALENV = virtualenv2

However, make ignores that setting and attempts to use virtualenv as shown below.

~/mediagoblin-0.8.0 $ make
rm -f ./bin/python
virtualenv --system-site-packages --python=python2.7 .
make: virtualenv: Command not found

This can be fixed by changing as follows.

diff --git a/ b/
index 5530b9e..5964a82 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ i18n: $(maybe_venv_dep)
 ifneq ($(VIRTUALENV),no)
        rm -f ./bin/python
-       virtualenv --system-site-packages --python=$(PYTHON) .
+       ${VIRTUALENV} --system-site-packages --python=$(PYTHON) .
        ./bin/python develop --upgrade
 virtualenv: bin/python extlib
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