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Results (43 - 45 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5372 fixed test_comment_notification fails with werkzeug 0.11 or newer Jessica Tallon

It seems any Werkzeug version 0.11 or higher breaks out test_comment_notification test, it seems the port number is dropped from the URL in the email body:

I've converted the "\n" to newlines to make it more readable.

Werkzeug 0.10.4 or below:

Hi otherperson, chris commented on your post (http://localhost:80/u/otherperson/m/some-title/c/1/#comment) at GNU MediaGoblin

Test comment #42

GNU MediaGoblin

Werkzeug 0.11.0 and above:

Hi otherperson, chris commented on your post (http://localhost/u/otherperson/m/some-title/c/1/#comment) at GNU MediaGoblin

Test comment #42

GNU MediaGoblin

We could just change it to have the port number in the test and it would pass however that means pinning werkzeug at 0.11 or higher, this may or may not be a problem I don't know, we already pin it at 0.7.0 or higher.

#694 wontfix test workflow ticket Christopher Allan Webber

This ticket is for testing workflows; ignore ;)

#473 wontfix test ticket Will Kahn-Greene

This is a test ticket.

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