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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5054 fixed timesince doens't seem to respect UTC timestamps in db ayleph

After upgrading my db for 0.8.0, new media entries have UTC timestamps (rather than GMT-5 that all of my old media entries have). However, new media always shows as added/submitted 0 mins ago. It seems that timesince doesn't account for the time zone difference.

#105 FIXED thumb - grid size mismatch Caleb Davis

My images are overlapping each other, sometimes obscuring captions,
therefore I find them less amusing.

Have you seen my giraffe? <holds hands out in front of chest, about
shoulder-width apart>
He's like, this big.

Hitman monkey <holding on to boy's head in rapidly flowing water.
boy appears to be struggling>
finds little pleasure in his job

I imagine this is a bitesize coding issue because I don't think it
evokes any questions about design or implementation strategy.

#5631 invalid this is a test Ben Sturmfels
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