Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1033 wontfix (spam bug) lahirmad87

Spam bug, removed.

#298 FIXED ./bin/gmg adduser should take password, email as arguments, and prompt if not provided Manolinux aka Mu Christopher Allan Webber
Instead of being sequential arguments, email and password (or at
least password) should be --keyword arguments. If not provided, we
should prompt the user for them (and obscure the password as being

This is a fairly easy and entry level task.

#910 fixed ./bin/gmg assetlink and mediagoblin default setup Boris Bobrov

GMG ships with mediagoblin.ini with enabled "mediagoblin.plugins.basic_auth" plugin. But this plugin has a directory with static files, that needs to be linked with "./bin/gmg assetlink". Neither does it, nor it is suggested in the docs.

Also, ./bin/gmg assetlink seems to be not documentated well, and misses it.

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