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Results (211 - 213 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#709 fixed Changing license setting may set password to empty sazius

I encountered this because I've set my web browser (Iceweasel/Firefox 21) to store my MediaGoblin password and automatically fill it in when it deems appropriate.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to "Change account settings".
  1. Web browser automatically fills in "Old password" field, but leaves "New password" field empty (user that only wishes to change license setting will not notice this as it happens automatically).
  1. Change license setting if you want (this seems to be optional).
  1. Press "Save changes."
  1. Log out and try to log in again: your old password doesn't work, the new password is the empty string. (Can be confirmed e.g. by trying to login with the piwigo plugin which allows empty password to be entered.)

The change account settings dialog should either warn of empty password, or simply assume the user does not wish to touch the password if it is left empty. (As was my case.)

#5074 fixed Check for existence of automake, autoconf in ayleph

If someone executes ./ without automake and autoconf installed, the system will print warnings about the files not being found then proceed to the git submodule commands whose output floods the terminal and may prevent the user from seeing the previous error output. Then the user is confused why there is no configure. I think we should update to check for the presence of automake and autoconf with which commands and terminate the script with an error message if one isn't found, rather than continuing wit git submodule actions.

#741 invalid Check if header levels on the main page make sense (suggest changing to the same level) Aleksej

The main page contains two headers:

  • <h1> "Hi there, welcome to this MediaGoblin site!"
  • <h2> "Most recent media".

That means the latter is a subsection of the former.

Does that make sense?

Between h1 and h2, there are a welcoming text and "create account" and "set up your own instance" links. If that section is just a welcome/intro section, then the "Most recent media" being a part of it means it is just an example for new or returning users, and not a stand-alone part of the site.

Maybe it would make more sense for the headers to be of the same level.

This may be of importance to screen reader users, at least:

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