Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#887 fixed Can't su into unprivileged user when following documentation Daniel Krol

The documentation says to create a system user for the unprivileged user that runs mediagoblin. On my system, this meant that I couldn't su into it (and there was no error message when I tried and failed). Looking around online, it sounds like this is intentional. If it's a system user, it's not meant to have a shell. Its shell is /bin/false. So here's a way to do it anyway:

sudo su - mediagoblin -s /bin/bash


su - mediagoblin -s /bin/bash

I'm on Debian 7.

#255 fixed Cannot delete media page if the file itself had been deleted Jorge Araya Navarro Aleksej
1. Have some media uploaded.
2. Delete the files manually from the user\_dev directory.
3. Try deleting a media through MediaGoblin (I used an "admin"

    Fails with "No such file or directory", shows an error page.

#5345 fixed Cannot enter new ticket anongoblin

It's wrongly detected as spam.

Will this one work?

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