Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#22 fixed Add scaling requirements to the deployment docs Christopher Allan Webber
We should talk about what kind of server requirements you'll need
for about what size deployment somewhere in the deployment docs.

We don't really know yet and this is probably way down the road, so
marking this as low priority for now. But once we start doing
deployments, it should become higher in priority!

#5618 fixed Add some example config Olivier Mehani

Just a few useful options added in the example config, for visibility.

#527 no-action Add support for Free URL shorteners, like Muppy thelovebug

I have my own instance of Muppy running on my domain at - it would be really useful if media uploaded to MediaGoblin could be automatically assigned a shortened URL for me to share rather than the behemoth of a URL that could (potentially) be generated by MediaGoblin.

Usage for Muppy can be found at:

Of course, other freeURL shorteners are available!

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.