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Results (103 - 105 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#129 FIXED organize admin/development scripts Will Kahn-Greene
There are a few scripts that are in the repository now and probably
more to come. We should reorganize them so they get "installed"
when using builtout and install. Also, they should follow
a similar structure and have header information.

Maybe it's interesting to create a gmg command that has a series of
sub commands like PyBlosxom and git both have.

Regardless, the following things should be done:

1. administration/management scripts should be collected and put in
   a centralized place
2. they should be tweaked so they follow the same conventions
   (which means we should create a set of conventions for scripts)
3. we should fix the install process to "install" these scripts as

It's probably worth doing this for 0.0.4, but it's something
someone can think about towards the end of the 0.0.4 cycle.

#130 FIXED Nicer error pages Jef van Schendel Caleb Davis
It's not a big deal until deployment, granted. But, it would be
nice to have something other than a massive white page with tiny
black text when I break gmg. Chris said it would be bytesized, so I
will try it!

[BONUS] - something in config that tells this page whether to
display for a deployment or development environment.

#131 FIXED Messaging framework - find any places in the code where we could be using it Caleb Davis Caleb Davis
I know they're in there, but I don't remember exactly where. If
anyone finds one, open a new ticket and assign to me.

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