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Results (79 - 81 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#97 FIXED Create a footer Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
We'll need a standard footer for most of the pages. Here's a ticket
to follow progress.

If you know something that should be in the footer, add it below.

Things that need to be in the footer:

-  Powered by MediaGoblin, a GNU project.

#98 FIXED Create "setup" submodule Elrond Elrond
The idea is to create a mediagoblin.setup submodule. This should
contain code to get the app running.

Things to move there (as examples):

-  celery\_setup/ -> setup/celery/
-  util.get\_jinja\_loader (and friends?)
-  setup\_beaker, if/when it's coming
-  Maybe code from MediaGoblinApp.**init**()

This issue is to track this idea.

#99 FIXED redo website Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
The website used to be in MoveableType and on the Foocorp servers.
We've moved the site over to our own server now. We don't want to
stick with MT, though, so we need to set up a web system thing.


1. can't suck
2. preferably python so we can fiddle with it
3. allows for blog entries, rss feeds, ...
4. web front-end
5. easy to use for non-Will people

I'm tossing around using PyBlosxom. We could generate the website
like we're doing docs right now where it's statically generated
with the source and the script in a repository.

I plan on working on this at the end of June when I get back.

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