Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#60 FIXED Command to start shell w/ mediagoblin.globals set up Christopher Allan Webber

    ./bin/gmg shell mediagoblin.ini

should launch a shell with:

-  mediagoblin.globals set up and pre-imported as mgoblin\_globals
-  "mgoblin\_app" instance set up, an instance of MediaGoblinApp
-  a bit of text is printed out explaining that those two variables
   are available

#61 FIXED Use local fonts instead of linking to remote ones Shawn Khan Jef van Schendel
Right now we're using Google's Web Fonts embed code:

` <>`_

This retrieves the font files from Google's servers. In the future
we should store the files locally.

#62 FIXED slug uniqueness as db constraint Christopher Allan Webber Elrond
slugs need to be unique (either global or per user, I don't know).

This should not be handled in the app layer. This should be handled
at the db layer via constraints.

See `#320 </issues/320>`_ for a related issue.

current app layer check is in\_slug()

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.