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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#146 fixed Make messaging system testable Christopher Allan Webber
We should make it possible to test the messaging system.

If you look at mediagoblin/ you can see what happens when
we \_activate\_testing() for some other things... ie, we insert
template context info like so:


        if TESTS_ENABLED:
            TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[template_path] = context

Maybe we should do something similar with messaging? Either we
should store in a dictionary like TEMPLATE\_TEST\_CONTEXT, maybe
TEST\_MESSAGES (which gets wiped by clear\_test\_buckets()) or we
should store in the session like request.session['test\_messages']
(should also get wiped by clear\_test\_buckets())

I'm assigning this to Caleb Davis who I think is a good fit for

#159 fixed After verifying email; the link to view user gallery doesn't work Odin Hørthe Omdal
It's actually bare. Why? Because ``verify_email`` that calls
``templates/mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html`` doesn't set

Instead of toying with the ``verify_email`` view, I rather made the
user model be able to make its own URL, using the urlgen method
other stuff use. It's pretty verbose, but I guess that's because we
don't want to import urlgen in the model?

Not beautiful, but now the user.html template will work in from any
view that gives it the user object.

Obviously, one could also just add ``user_gallery_url`` to
``verify_email``, but that doesn't really seem right. Shouldn't
need to toss around such easy derived information.

#178 fixed Have a Users page that lists all the users on a given install Karen Rustad
Right now, I have no way of telling how many users are on the site
or any way of seeing their profiles (other than clicking on another
user's photo and clicking their name on the photo page). If we're
going to have user profiles, let's have a way of finding other

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