Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#415 fixed Show ticket changes on mediagoblin issue tracker timeline Will Kahn-Greene Christopher Allan Webber

Set show_ticket_details to true in the config to enable showing ticket updates in the timeline.

This is important, because this is how I often review recent patches that have been added!

#416 fixed Invalid input causes unhelpful error messages Jef van Schendel

Two related bugs:


  • Go to the Recover Password page.
  • Enter an invalid username/email (e.g. one that contains spaces).
  • Press submit button.

The form returns the "Incorrect input" error.


  • Go to the Create An Account page.
  • Enter an invalid username (e.g. one that contains spaces).
  • Press submit button.

The form returns the "Invalid input." error.

/me leaves mid-ticket, I'll improve this description later.

#419 fixed MediaGoblin can't handle (upload?) Large files Jorge Araya Navarro


I tried few times in to upload a couple of podcast, but the upload process failed in all attempts returning a "Broken by MediaGoblin" joke error message.

The duration of each podcast is 1 hour and the files are large than 250~ MiB because I have to add a "video channel" in order to upload it to youtube.

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