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Results (88 - 90 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#406 fixed Audio support (and content sniffing branch) joar Christopher Allan Webber

Joar Wandborg has been working on an audio support / content sniffing and negotiation branch for mediagoblin, so this bug's purpose is to track it!

#407 fixed Provide link to source on mediagoblin site Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber

If we really want to comply with the AGPL (which we clearly should be doing) we should put a link to the AGPL and the source on the page at the bottom.

The way that StatusNet does it is with a link to "source" at the bottom, and if you click it, it goes to:

We can probably for now have a config parameter that's like so:

source_link =

One thing that this doesn't resolve is if there are multiple plugins that are also under the AGPL... not sure what to do about that. But it's a good step for now.

The alternate thing is that the source link on the bottom doesn't point just at the repository but points at a separate page that possibly can include multiple source links... could be useful with plugins. I'm not sure how to do that.

Regardless, the above should be good enough to resolve this ticket.

#410 fixed Move full OpenStreetMap, Leaflet & Mapquest-copyright text from the map widget joar

Currently the copyright text takes up exactly 25% of the maps viewport.

We should probably do it the foursquare way ( and put a single link in there that will show you the full license notice.

So either we

  • Show the content dynamically with JavaScript
  • Set up a new page with the license info (general license info page?), which we link to from the map widget. <- Yay for this one!
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