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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#63 fixed Canonical place for giving credits to contributors Will Kahn-Greene Christopher Allan Webber
We should start giving credit to everyone who's making GNU
MediaGoblin a success (and not just people who do (c) assignment
with the FSF).

Where's the best place to put this?

Assigning to Will, whom I know is presently overloaded, and can get
to after Miro 4.0 gets out the door.

#85 fixed Methodology for handling bugs Elrond

There are currently a few bugs, that sit at "New", don't have a
single comment and are just there. For now this is fine. People
know from irc, that their bug will be handled sometime.

When the project grows, this sort of bug handling isn't good. It
leaves a feeling of "they don't listen, they don't care" to the

Brainstorming ideas¶

Maybe some new bug status thingies could be helpful?

-  "Accepted - Your bug is valid"
-  "Okay, this is true, we should consider that"
-  "Yes, we'll fix that, but just not now"

Another brainstormy thing: Maybe allow users/developers to care
more for bugs. This works nicely in Debian, where everybody can
nearly change any bug.

Warning notice¶

On the other hand, things should not be overorganized.

Other ideas¶

-  Have a feed of "New" bugs

#89 fixed Ability to restrict diskspace per user Bernhard Keller
for example restrict disk space to 500Mb per user

add user.used\_space =

check prior to upload if space is exceeded
on successful upload add image size to used\_space( check size
after possible resize/conversion )

Do we use the same restriction for every user, or should it be
possible to set a limit for every account ?
possible delete option ? ( what happens to comments )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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