Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#303 fixed Support deletion of an account by an administrator Aleksej

#313 fixed A way to subscribe to comments Christopher Allan Webber
I'd really love to know when someone sends a reply to my images.
Might also be nice when posting a comment to be able to "subscribe"
to all comments in that thread!

I wonder if this task should be pushed off to celery. (Probably?)

#314 fixed Mozilla Persona (BrowserID) support Christopher Allan Webber
Talked to the openphoto people. They have browserid support, which
looks easy and pleasant:
` <>`_

Furthermore, the OpenPhoto people say it's easy. So why not support
it? :)


    <paroneayea> hub: we don't use browserid yet
    <paroneayea> but I'd like to
    <jmathai> paroneayea: said there's a json spec but it's not finalized yet
    <paroneayea> how hard is browserid to implement?
    <paroneayea> it looks beautifully pleasant to use
    <jmathai> trivial
    <paroneayea> really?
    <paroneayea> awesome

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