Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#286 fixed RSS/feed icon missing on new website Jef van Schendel
We had an RSS/Atom/whatever feed icon on the old website. It was
also in the mockups for the new website, but I forgot about it. :)

We should add the icon again, with a link to the feed, obviously.

#287 fixed Bullet points on new website don't align with text Jef van Schendel
It seems that the bottom of the bullet points images on the new
website aligns with the bottom of the text next to it. Instead, the
images should be slightly lower, so the middle of the images aligns
with the middle of the text.

#290 fixed This bug tracker will not let me upload screenshots. Karen Rustad
On bug `#634 </issues/634>`_, I wanted to upload this screenshot:
[[` <>`_]]

This bugtracker would not let me. Got "1 file(s) could not be
saved.", every time.

It's a 344 KB .png file. Not extraordinarily large, or an unusual

If we want the bugtracker to be useful for reporting visual/UI
bugs, this needs to be fixed.

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