Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#765 wontfix Make default license "Free culture" friendly spaetz

Defaults matter! Most users will pick whatever is the default. Right now "all rights reserved" is the default license choice for all users in a stock install.

Let us use a "freeer" license that this. I think this is a pretty important issue.

#776 fixed Collections gallery needs better headings spaetz

All media galleries show the media title underneath, not so the collections view. It does not show any heading if there is no "note" attached to the picture in a collection.

This is a problem as: a) it lets me add the media title as a collection item note to achieve the same results, which is plain nonsensical. b) it seems there are no line breaks, and the collection item note is overflowing the box, being cut off and unreadable.

We need to think about where and how to present the collection item note, I have no suggestion for that. But we should be showing the media title, just as we do in the other gallery views, IMHO.

Check this one for a problematic view:

#5329 fixed Python3 error, changing ones hometown spaetz

This is in version 0.8 when changing ones hometown using python3:

File "/srv/", line 222, in edit_profile
    user.get_location = Location(name=unicode(
NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
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