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Results (43 - 45 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#372 fixed update copyright statements for 2012 Will Kahn-Greene
Pretty sure we need to go through and update the copyright
statements for 2012.

Also, while doing this pass, we should double-check that the FSF
doesn't own the copyrights--they disclaimed them. Probably should
assign copyrights on a file-by-file basis to whoever
authored/edited them based on what git says.

Putting this in the 0.2.1 target.

I'll take it if no one else does by the weekend.

#387 fixed write trac: macro for mediawiki Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene

Having a trac: macro (or whatever it's called) for our wiki would make it easier to link to Trac issues.

I wrote one for PCF's wiki that connected to Bugzilla. Pretty sure it wasn't too hard. It might have been in the configuration file.

#401 fixed add plugin infrastructure Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene

The gist of it is:

  • design and codify how plugins will get installed, removed and configured
  • implement required infrastructure code
  • design and codify how plugins will hook into mediagoblin core
  • write documentation for plugin authors

The wiki page tracking this is at:

This ticket does not cover creating actual hooks in mediagoblin. Either each hook should get tracked separately or we should create a new bug for a bunch of things or something like that.

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