Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#781 invalid Command Line Upload Emily O'Leary

I'm working on to add a command line upload command to the gmg_commands suite to create new media entries. It will allow for test instances to be easily loaded with data through a simple script. This will also really help with setting up data for the browser automation functional test suite.

I may add in a batch function as well but the initial feature will just be uploading a media entry.

#235 FIXED The concept of a 'slug' needs documentation Jef van Schendel Majid Al-Dharrab
I think there should be some documentation for this feature (e.g.
below entry fields) to explain its functionality.

#333 FIXED Help text says "separate tags by commas and spaces" Manolinux aka Mu Manolinux aka Mu
It must be fixed because spaces don't separate tags anymore (if it
even did in the past).

Batch Modify
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