Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#317 WONTFIX Mature content Inconexo ø
Media goblin should procure a way to discriminate between normal
and mature content. Mature content should be offered only to users
that agree with that, being hidden for users that not, showing a
notice of why.

This way, an instance owner could allow mature content, and in the
same time avoid problem with children and sensitive people.

#319 FIXED Resend verification mail button looks weird with long text Jef van Schendel Inconexo ø
Doing the registration process, the resend button seems to be
cutted in two lines. I don't know if it's because spanish text is
too long or my resolution is too low (1024x768). Not a big deal,
but FYI.

Browser: Iceweasel (Firefox) 8.0

#258 FIXED transifex error Christopher Allan Webber Jacobo Nájera
When I am trying to translate spanish version:

Translation must start with a newline ()


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