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Results (115 - 117 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5457 fixed Can't get Audio to process Espionage724

I've tried on Ubuntu 16.04, openSUSE Tumbleweed, and currently Arch Linux, and cannot get audio to process.

I've installed everything (aside from bad and ugly gstreamer plugins) mentioned on the Wiki pages for both a base MG install and audio (Arch): sudo pacman -S --needed nodejs git python2-lxml automake make npm python2-pastedeploy python2-virtualenv gst-python2 python2 python2-pillow gst-libav gst-plugins-good python2-scipy python2-numpy libsndfile alsa-lib

I have added (with double brackets on both sides; ticket formatted it weird) to mediagoblin_local.ini.

I have also ran gmg dbupdate and restarted both celery and paster.

All audio I've tried (various .ogas, .mp3s, and .oggs) fails to process.

Videos (even audio on the video) and pictures work fine. I'm not sure what else could be wrong, unless the documentation is missing some critical step, or audio support is broken.

I've used various MG builds from the master branch I think as far back as 0.80. At the time of writing, I'm using the latest version available from master.

#842 wontfix Typo: cancelled → canceled Adrián Chaves Fernández (Gallaecio)

#828 fixed Reversed arrows (RTL bug) Genghis Khan

Arrows of ← newer older → are reversed → newer older ← on RTL locale.

Current→ اجدد اقدم ←
Desired← اجدد اقدم →

I think it would be fine if it would be ordered like the one below, if that would be easier to fix, but please confirm with Arabic and Farsi users beforehand. ← اقدم اجدد →

Tested at

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