Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#136 FIXED use messaging system for 'verification needed!' Caleb Davis Caleb Davis
same as `#424 </issues/424>`_

#137 FIXED use messaging system for 'resent your verification email' Caleb Davis Caleb Davis
same as `#424 </issues/424>`_

#138 wontfix ostatus breaks permissions and vice versa Caleb Davis
In the quest for ostatus federation + privacy we will come across
conflicts of interest between ease of communication and
permissions. These will manifest themselves as mutually exclusive
design constraints. Now that we have a first draft of the privacy
design we can list these conflicts in this issue as we come across
them in the wild.

We could close this ticket after all ostatus protocols are
evaluated thoroughly for incompatibility with privacy. In the
meantime, please try to establish whether your finding is either
green - no conflict, yellow - possible/unsure, or red - clear

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