Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#106 FIXED requesting feedback on how to think about and use this tracker Caleb Davis
**tl;dr - I'm going to try and break up redmine tickets into three stages and record my findings here. I think it could help speed us along.**

I find myself wanting to help a lot but (a) my abilities are
limited at this point, and (b) it's hard to grab hold of these
redmine tickets and run with them. I think we could quickly and
easily break these tickets down into smaller bites, which would
make our lives more wonderful in every way. I propose we use the
following three ticket categories to clearly differentiate between
the stages needed to complete an iteration:

-  design
-  implementation strategy
-  coding

They each flow into the next, ie a design issue, once resolved,
results in an implementation strategy issue, which when resolved
would create a coding issue.

For example,

-  design - the
   `message queuing issue <>`_
   requires thought on multiple levels. At the top are design
   questions like, "how do we want the message queuing system to work,
   exactly? Which messages might we want to display? when? on which
   pages? where on those pages?"
-  implementation strategy - below that are implementation strategy
   questions like, "is there an existing python package for this?
   would it be better to code a new one? What would the code look
   like, and where would it have to go?"
-  coding - finally, there is (1)coding, (2)pushing, (3)review
   [goto 1] and (4)merging.

Breaking up issues into these smaller bites, ie separate tickets
could speed things along. By confining the discussion to smaller
areas, we free ourselves up by limiting the number of things we
have to think about at the same time. Here's my suggestion - think
about these categories as you are perusing redmine, and report back
here with your findings. Or just follow along as I try it and give
me feedback.

Or, if this problem is already solved in your mind, please point me
to some reading material. Thanks!

#108 FIXED registration form fields don't fit within the designated region Caleb Davis
The whites of the form fields are extending beyond the form
boundary. It looks like a formatting error to my eyes.

.. figure:: /attachments/download/59
   :align: center

#113 FIXED sidebar renders at the bottom Jef van Schendel Caleb Davis
For the first image in the database, the sidebar renders as
expected, on the right (awesome, btw!). When viewing subsequent
images, it renders at the bottom - below comments and above the

.. figure:: /attachments/download/62
   :align: center

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