Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#528 fixed pagination fails from user page ronny

I experienced a problem, when trying to go to the second page of a user ( I just got a Server Error. After trying around, I could find out, that it had to do with a wrong URL in the NextPage Link. Instead of: it should have been:

In the file: mediagoblin/templates/mediagoblin/utils/pagination.html

the "base_url" is set by "request.full_path". I tried to set it instead with "request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home', user= request.user.username)" and it worked. But I am not sure if this would interfere with some other parts...

thanks in advance

#529 wontfix Video discovery is a common issue with video uploads joar

The usual point of failure when uploading a video seems to be the GStreamer Discoverer. Attached is the celeryd log for

#531 fixed Compression Options for Images Duncan

Currently the resized images are quite heavily artefacted. It would be nice if the user (or possibly the server owner) could set custom compression levels to trade off size/quality.

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