Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#489 fixed release notes for 0.3.1 need to be written Will Kahn-Greene

We need to write up the release notes for 0.3.1.

Three things it should note:

  1. any changes that break someone's existing 0.3.0 instance
  2. any thing a mediagoblin site admin should do to upgrade their 0.3.0 instance to 0.3.1
  3. new features in 0.3.1
  4. anything else that someone should know about 0.3.1

I added a stub to docs/source/siteadmin/relnotes.rst for this.

#491 fixed Location parsing has inverted latitude warp

Can be seen on my install:

After clicking the openstreetmap link I get the correct coordinate when I change the mlat= argument from 2.13808555556 to -2.13808555556.

#492 fixed comment preview Will Kahn-Greene

Given that comments use a markup, it'd help a lot to have comment preview.

I've seen this work in a few ways on the internet.

Trac shows you the preview while you're writing the comment in a different box. I like that--it's pretty helpful.

MediaWiki has a "preview" button and shows you what it'll look like when it's posted. Pyblosxom works this way, too. This works, but it's far less convenient.

I'd prefer us to implement the first. Maybe use AJAX to round-trip formatting the comment to get the preview every few seconds? Is that safe?

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