Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#44 FIXED Basic user profile page, also bios Caleb Davis Christopher Allan Webber
Say we have the user cwebber, and we want to find out all about
cwebber! A little bio, what are the latest images, etc.


[\ :sub:`cwebber/](`\ cwebber/)

Should show a few of the latest images (not all, that's
[\ :sub:`cwebber/gallery/](`\ cwebber/gallery/)
) and also a personal bio, if a user has provided one.

` <>`_
should allow me to change my profile (for now, just adding a simple
bio is fine). It would be great to wrap that work into this

#72 FIXED "Lost password?" functionality ("Change password" functionality possibly embedded in case) Caleb Davis joar
A user needs to be able to reset and recover his/her password.

When doing so, my initial plan is to

-  Generate a new password \* Generate a password hash for the
   newly generated password \* Overwrite the old hash with the new
   hash \* Set some kind of "user\_has\_forgotten\_password" or
   "requested\_to\_change\_password" value so that the user is pushed
   towards changing his/her password, thus avoiding any security
   issues related to the transfer of the password in plain text to the
-  Email the password to the user \* Ask the user to change his/her
   password \* Reset the "requested\_to\_change\_password" flag \*
   Update the generated password with the new password

#75 FIXED tagging Caleb Davis Will Kahn-Greene
This feature request covers tagging images with a series of
words/phrases related to the image.

For example:

-  vacation
-  Florida
-  Mark
-  goofy

Chris said this in the 0.0.3 planning meeting:


        Tagging -- In what sense?  good question, we should at least make a ticket :) probably tagging
        like MediaEntry['tags'] = ['photo', 'baby'] is good enough

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