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Results (121 - 123 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#404 fixed Don't save a "medium" image unless we have to Bassam Kurdali Christopher Allan Webber

It used to be that if the image was smaller than the maximum width/height, it would just not create a "medium" image. But when the exif rotation code was added, it was switched so that it would create a medium image no matter what.

Do something along the lines of:

if needs_exif_rotation or greater_than_maxsize:
    medium creating code here
#277 fixed Enable "favoriting" of media Aaron Williamson Aaron Williamson
Users should be able to mark media entries as favorites by clicking
a button/link in the entry detail view (and probably from gallery
views as well). This change will likely require the creation of a
new "UserFavorite" model with a structure like:

{'user': user\_id,
'media\_entry': media\_entry\_id,

...and also a new field on MediaEntry containing a count of
UserFavorites for that entry (to avoid expensive queries to
generate this number dynamically for every request).

#3 WONTFIX Braindump design plans into workflow.rst Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber
This one specifically assigned to cwebber :)

Continue / finish writing workflow.rst in the docs directory of
mediagoblin (refactoring these into different files is fine, but
that's what it is at the moment).


-  (WSGI) Application structure
-  Media submission process
-  Media conversion/processing process
-  Multiple media type handling for display/submission/processing
   and what writing extensions for this will look like
-  Maybe a bit about plugins vision but that's not currently

And optionally other things that seem appropriate.

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