Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#20 FIXED remove Continue Reading text from entries on blog Matt Lee Will Kahn-Greene
On this page:

` <>`_

at the bottom is the text "Continue reading " and then a link to
the same page. That's weird.

This page has "body" but no "extended" text. So there shouldn't be
"Continue reading" text.

However, we do want a permalink link at the bottom.

Assigning this to Matt because he told me to.

Adding Chris as a watcher on the off chance that I totally ruined
this bug report.

#91 WONTFIX backup of redmine issues Matt Lee Will Kahn-Greene
Do we have backups for all the data in Redmine?

If so, how often and where are the backups hosted?

If not, then we should start backing up the data because losing it
would be the suck.

#366 FIXED atom feed not valid Michele Azzolari Michele Azzolari
ATOM feed is not valid, entry id must be an URL

` <>`_

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