Custom Query (1173 matches)
Results (94 - 96 of 1173)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#214 | fixed | Switch celery keys to be all-uppercase | ||
Description |
Celery will finally be moving to a structure that will be much, much easier for combining with MediaGoblin. Horray! In order to better prepare for this, we should switch our config system setup for celery's configuration to also have all celery-relevant keys to be ALL\_UPPERCASE in form. So a few changes: - Update mediagoblin/config\_spec.ini and set all keys to UPPERCASE form. - Update mediagoblin/init/celery/**init.**.py 's setup\_celery\_from\_config and remove the force-to-upper... well maybe anyway! I suppose it doesn't hurt to include this, but it isn't necessary any more. This is a simple, bitesized task, appropriate for a new contributor. |
#250 | FIXED | Comment links uses media._id instead of media.slug in the URL | ||
Description |
It should be changed so that comment URLs are :: /u/{username}/m/{slug}/c/{comment_id}/#comment instead of /u/{username}/m/{media_id}/c/{comment_id}/#comment |
#475 | fixed | Checkbox for email notifications sits above its label | ||
Description |
On the "Changing account settings" page, the checkbox for email comment notifications looks like this: [✓] Email me when others comment on my media It should look like this: [✓] Email me when others comment on my media And clicking the label should check or uncheck the checkbox. To do this, the HTML should be changed from the current: <input type="checkbox"> <p>Email me when others comment on my media</p> To this: <label><input type="checkbox">Email me when others comment on my media</label> But I have no idea how to do this, because it's generated by WTForms. |